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Blinded By Love, by Yige Yang
Synopsis: A man feels responsible for a vulnerable seedling and is willing to go to great lengths to protect it from all the dangers in the world around them.
Duration: 00:03:00
Pongo the Stolen Orangutan: How Law Can Heal, by Colin Systma
Synopsis: Pongo the Stolen Orangutan: How Law Can Heal tells the story of an illegally traded orangutan and how conservation litigation can be used to help biodiversity.
Duration: 00:05:33

Painting By Numbers, by Radheya Jegatheva
Synopsis: A child’s encounter with classic masterpieces triggers a confronting epiphany LONG DESCRIPTION: When we look at great art, do we realise it is looking back? With eyes that see more clearly than we do? In a mysterious gallery imbued with strange life, shadows of the past and unresolved futures collide when a child’s vision peels away the layers of what we call ‘reality’…join a journey through the masterpieces you thought you knew as their hidden souls are finally given a voice. As layers of contemporary ‘reality’ are stripped away, art’s unseen soul brings a challenge we can neither ignore n or escape. Or can we? Will their message be heard in time? The door is open. The masters’ works await us. Who will enter ?
Duration: 00:04:23
It’s Not The Oil, It’s The Practice, by Zul Ikhwan Aziz
Synopsis: As we are losing hectares of rainforests, read as “lungs of the world”, palm oil plantations are usually associated with negative impacts on the environment. However, palm oil doesn’t have to mean more deforestation, and the sustainable solution lies with all of us. Palm oil is here to stay, and there is no single party that can make it sustainable alone. Together let us make sustainable palm oil a norm. This public service announcement (PSA) goes with the tagline — “It’s not the oil, it’s the PRACTICE”, raising consumer awareness on the importance of choosing certified sustainable palm oil.
Duration: 00:05:17

Spring, by Johannes Pardi
Synopsis: A hungry squirrel and peckish crow struggle to claim a delicious nut as the seasons change.
Duration: 00:03:01
The Fourfold, by Alisi Telengut
Synopsis: Based on the ancient shamanic rituals and animistic beliefs in Mongolia and Siberia, an exploration of the indigenous worldview and wisdom. With hand-crafted imagery, a testament of reclaiming animism for planetary health and non-human materialities.
Duration: 00:07:14
Blinded By Love, by Yige Yang
Synopsis: A man feels responsible for a vulnerable seedling and is willing to go to great lengths to protect it from all the dangers in the world around them.
Duration: 00:03:00
Pongo the Stolen Orangutan: How Law Can Heal, by Colin Systma
Synopsis: Pongo the Stolen Orangutan: How Law Can Heal tells the story of an illegally traded orangutan and how conservation litigation can be used to help biodiversity.
Duration: 00:05:33
Painting By Numbers, by Radheya Jegatheva
Synopsis: A child’s encounter with classic masterpieces triggers a confronting epiphany LONG DESCRIPTION: When we look at great art, do we realise it is looking back? With eyes that see more clearly than we do? In a mysterious gallery imbued with strange life, shadows of the past and unresolved futures collide when a child’s vision peels away the layers of what we call ‘reality’…join a journey through the masterpieces you thought you knew as their hidden souls are finally given a voice. As layers of contemporary ‘reality’ are stripped away, art’s unseen soul brings a challenge we can neither ignore n or escape. Or can we? Will their message be heard in time? The door is open. The masters’ works await us. Who will enter ?
Duration: 00:04:23
It’s Not The Oil, It’s The Practice, by Zul Ikhwan Aziz
Synopsis: As we are losing hectares of rainforests, read as “lungs of the world”, palm oil plantations are usually associated with negative impacts on the environment. However, palm oil doesn’t have to mean more deforestation, and the sustainable solution lies with all of us. Palm oil is here to stay, and there is no single party that can make it sustainable alone. Together let us make sustainable palm oil a norm. This public service announcement (PSA) goes with the tagline — “It’s not the oil, it’s the PRACTICE”, raising consumer awareness on the importance of choosing certified sustainable palm oil.
Duration: 00:05:17
Spring, by Johannes Pardi
Synopsis: A hungry squirrel and peckish crow struggle to claim a delicious nut as the seasons change.
Duration: 00:03:01
The Fourfold, by Alisi Telengut
Synopsis: Based on the ancient shamanic rituals and animistic beliefs in Mongolia and Siberia, an exploration of the indigenous worldview and wisdom. With hand-crafted imagery, a testament of reclaiming animism for planetary health and non-human materialities.
Duration: 00:07:14